Vegetable Shares
Eating seasonally changes everything- flavors, color, taste and crunch! We have great soils for vegetable growing and produce almost all the crops in our vegetable shares. The crops we don’t grow well, like sweet corn, tomatoes and beans, come from our partner farms (who are certified organic).
The Summer Share is our most popular share as it spans the bulk of our growing season. From the beginning of June through October every week, shareholders receive 5 – 6 different freshly picked ecologically grown vegetables. Customize your share by giving up one vegetable to get another from our substitutions crops.
The Season Extension Share follows the Summer Share for the months of November and December and is a great opportunity to participate in the bounty of late fall and early winter right in time for the holidays! The Share consists of of a greens portion of which you will take a certain number of bunches or heads depending on your share size. The storage crop portion gives you complete flexibility to choose from a whole range of our storage crops up to a certain poundage (again according to share size).
Buy the Summer and Season Extension Share together and save!